Susan Rios is a nationally-renowned American artist who works from her home studio in Glendale, California. Born on February 16, 1950 in Terre Haute, Indiana, Susan Rios was raised and now resides in the Los Angeles area. She won an art scholarship to California State University, Northridge. Largely self-taught, Susan's artistic potential was apparent even as a child. Her love of the outdoors inspired her to begin drawing scenes from nature. Today, she continues to find inspiration in the gentle-hearted beauty of everyday life.
A professional artist for more than 25 years, Susan spent the early years of her career working as a floral designer. She soon discovered that blending flowers was similar to mixing colors on a palette. To this day, flowers are an ever-present motif in many of her paintings, as are other "favorite things" - wicker chairs, love seats draped with afghans, intricate bits of lace, china cups, and teapots.
Susan Rios lives and works in a cozy home studio that nestles up to Griffith Park in Glendale, California. Her artwork reflects that coziness, drawing the viewer in for a stroll in the garden, a cup of tea, on a long overdue rest in a quiet place.
"People often tell me they love living with my paintings because they make them feel happy, or peaceful, or calm, that is my deliberate intent," Susan says.
The timeless, enduring beauty of her work continues to garner attention from art enthusiasts, young and old alike. The emotional impact of her paintings however, is the most important element. As an artist, she says, that is her true reward.
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